Worthy is the Lamb


Friday, November 27, 2009


Yesterday whole day do nothing. Just study and play. Only manage to study a bit. Then i became so lazy and did not study at night. Must study hard.
Written 10.07am

Thursday, November 26, 2009


Yesterday forgotten to write blog. Yesterday i played viwawa for the whole morning. Afternoon baru study. Night went to officer council meeting. I asked a lot of things. If i don't ask, then there is no need for me to go for the meeting. I hope i don't hurt anyone, as i just ask for the benefit of the boys. Unexpectedly, the OCM finish very early. As i didn't really study much. I think today i will study 30 minutes longer. That is 9.5 hours.
Written 9.26am

Wednesday, November 25, 2009


Yesterday, forgot to post daily post. So update it now. Yesterday morning went to attend my last drum lesson. Yesterday night went for F4 class. Thus, not much study yesterday. Nothing special happen yesterday. I only play play and play. But got ten consecutive wins for match it at viwawa. Not really anything anyway.
Written 8.52am

Monday, November 23, 2009


Today woke up early due to the cry of the cat. The cat cry until i wake up. But the cat smells. So i put it into the toilet for the whole day. I studied chapter 3 of F6 and Module 1 and a bit of 2 of F4. Very little. Then went to play drum. Play christmans songs. Teacher say i have improved a lot. But i feel is normal. Tonight i saw mum bathe the cat. The cat cried like hell. But it shivels like hell as well. Too cold for a cat. But now is ok. Don't know what the cat talks about.
Written 11.08pm

Sunday, November 22, 2009


Today went to church in the morning. Mum went to market to buy things. In the meanwhile, the car was unable to start when we are about to depart from the market. So mum called "siao Jiu" for help as he was a mechanic a few years back. So help us to recharge the battery of the car. Then we bring the car to a mechanic and change the battery. Now the car is working fine. As 2 days ago, i felt strange as the car gave the wrong information to me. I thought i has a bit of oil left but in fact there is still half tank! Haiz.
This afternoon stay at home and watch movie on the internet while trying off all the games in viwawa. Some games i don't know how to play. Hope somebody can teach me. Then i got so caught up with Speedoku. And my brother as well.
Tonight went to Dr. Yan Jian Ping's talk at Chin Fu Methodist Church. He talks about how we use our tongue as a christian to help people and not to criticise people.
When we went back home, my cat smells like shit. Mum help it to bathe But still smells like shit. Hope it doesn't get cold.
Written 10.37pm

天外飞仙 esp.11

Saturday, November 21, 2009


Today went to play drum at CMC at 9.00am. The first song i play is Worthy is the lamb. Techer say i got all the feel and beat correct and he said it was very good. Then i played the second time, i felt that it was not as good as the first one. Don't know why.
Afternoon went to BB. I gave Lim Jian and Kevin the white badge test. From the looks of it, i think only Lim Jian manage to pass. However, i haven't mark their papers yet. For drill session, punishing frog jump is more useful than other punishment. Their drill has improved since then. I think i will use frog jump as punishment next time.
Thus, today did not really learn much. Only learn a few passage of F4 law. Just remember some of the main points. Not effective.
Tonight went to dinner beside ELC. The billion and fish is terrible. My dad say won't be going there to have dinner again. I also feel like that.
Written 10.53pm

Friday, November 20, 2009


Today i woke up very early. Well, at least earlier that any other that without classes in the morning. I woke up at 7.30am. Then study for about 9 hours. Crazy. Actually 8 because i play computer games for 1 hours +. Manage to watch a pokemon episode. Play Groword, chinese chess, international chess and Big 2.5. Prepare my uniform, go cut hair. Thus, less than 8 hours of study. So only manage to finish my F6 Taxation Chapter 2 Employment Income for all the exercises + memorise 1 F4 essay which is veil of incorporation. Very little. Far behind my schedule. So tired. I think tomorow rest 1 day then tuesday keep on the 8 hour stuff.
Finally, we have decided that we go UTAR instead of Singapore for study. So UTAR here i come.
Written 11.32pm

Thursday, November 19, 2009


Today went online the whole day. Close and reopen the computer, again and again. Finally did not study. Thus, i have made my mind and follow 7,8,9 rule. So that i can get prepared for my exam. Tonight, F5 teacher only talks about the mock. Very surprisingly, i got 60. I thought i might fail. Thank God.
Written 9.47pm

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

18 November 2009

This is the day where my computer has recovered. Today woke up so late because no classes are conducted this morning, after finishing F9 that is. Now only left night classes. Today only study F6 Taxation for chapter 1. Far left behind the schedule. Don't know if want to apply the rule the F9 teacher gave or not. That is 7 hours play, 8 hours sleep and 9 hours study or 8 hours play, 8 hours sleep and 8 hours study. I think no need la. Unless really behind my learning schedule. Now i think i can catch up.
Today, i went to get my laptop back from Saberkas without knowing that i need to pay. I thought i had warranty so there is no need for me to pay. Who knows i still need to pay. I have no money with me so need to run here and there to get money to pay RM45. Haiz. So tired.
I brought my laptop with me to college. Luckily no one stold it.
Tonight F6 classes teacher say she wanted to scold me but a bit only la. Not much. No more being the top student in the class as Connie got 64 which is the highest in the class and i only got 58. Maybe is because of over confidence. Should really pay more attention to F6 if i am to get Malaysian prize. But i may need to sacrifice the other papers. So Malaysian prize or all pass? Haiz. Hard to choose.
Tonight teacher let us go early. So we stayed and chat a while. But i don't want to go for study group. Don't care. I cannot study with study group. I can only study alone.
Connie wanted my number tonight because she wanted to contact me for study group. However, i gave her my number and letting her know that i had her number very early. She asked me how i got her number. But i don't know how did i manage to skip that question. Hmm... Praise Lord!
Written 11.44pm

Friday, September 18, 2009

18 September 2009

Yesterday the computer gone crazy. Always jam. Until today still jam. I think need to repair the computer already. But i don't know where did i put my invoice. Haiz. what to do?

Monday, September 14, 2009

14 September 2009

Yesterday night went to Chin Dao Methodist Church. Luckily did not late. Just in time. But who knows. A pastor known as "Wang Ma Ma" from Taiwan went there to preach. Her preaching is very different from other pastors. Her preaching is story based. She touched on Luke 7:36-50. This is a story about Jesus being invited by a person called Simon. She put the story into her preach making her preach is the story. Don't really know how to explain. This is the second time i ever heard of story telling based preaching. The first time was from Pastor Chin from Trinity Methodist Church.
Her story is so good because she tells that with slide shows. The story starts with a woman who is a prostitute. She felt so ashamed of herself. Maybe her husband had already die. Leaving her alone with no one to take care of her. But in order for her to live she have to sell her own body. She felt bad and ashamed of herself. Only in night times she can enter peoples house. One day, Simon invited Jesus to his house. In those times, when a person invite people to their house as VIP, they will kiss the VIP's cheek, use perfume to pour on the VIP's head and washed the VIP's legs. But Simon did not do that to Jesus. Jesus went into Simon's house. The woman went to kiss Jesus leg. Jesus let her kiss. She felt that Jesus is her friend. She is so touched until she shedded tears. The tears dropped on Jesus leg making Jesus leg very slippery. In her heart, she wanted to borrow a cloth from Simon to rub Jesus leg. But due to her status, she is ashamed and did not ask for it. Thus, she uses her hair to rub on Jesus legs.
During those days, because she is a prostitute, she earned lots of money and bought a perfume. She put the perfume into a jar and wore it on her neck. When she uses her hair to rub on Jesus legs, she also rub the perfume on His legs as well. Simon said to himself : "If this man were a prophet, he would know who is touching him and what kind of woman she is - that she is a sinner." Jesus andswered him, 'Simon, I have something to tell you."
Two men owed money to certain moneylender. One owed him five hundred denarii, and the other fifty. Neither of them had the money to pay him back, so he canceled the debts of both. Now which of them will love hime more?"
Simon replied, "I suppose the one who had the bigger devt canceled." "You have judged correctly," Jesus said.
Then he turned toward the woman and said to simon,'Do you see this woman? I came into your house. You did not give me any water for my feet, but she wet my feet with her tears and wiped them with her hair. You did not give me a kiss, but this woman, from the time i entered, has not stopped kissing my feet. You did not put oil on my head, but she has poured perfume on my feet. Therefore, i tell you, her many sins have been forgiven - for she loved much. But he who has been frogiven little loves lottle." Then Jesus said to her, "Your sins are forgiven."
She felt that Jesus accepted her as a friend. Not like others who just want her body. But she felt that Jesus treat her like a friend. She got the most precious present of the world that is to be united with God. Jesus said to the woman, "Your faith has saved you; go in peace." She felt peace in her heart. She felt freedom in her heart. She felt that she has been released from sin.
Then the pastor told us what about you. Will you look down on people who are disabled? Do you accept them like Jesus? You say it's so troublesome. But look at Jesus, He died for you on the cross. Don't you need to share his sufferings? How can your sufferings comapred to Jesus?
The pastor's daughter is also a disabled person but sung a beautiful song during the service. The above preached has been modified by me because i was unable to copy all the details. The details is more interesting.
That night, the process of accepting bread and wine is so different from other churches. I forgot what is it called.
Writted 3.37pm

Sunday, September 13, 2009

13 September 2009

Yesterday night, went to have dinner. But i so full that i don't really eat much.
Today went to class this morning. Did not go to church. This afternoon finish my exercise fast so i go to pick michael fast. Hope tonight will go to church.
Written 5.28pm

Saturday, September 12, 2009

12 September 2009

Yesterday night, like always is F4 Law. As boring as always. But learn about how to form companies.
Today, in drum class, learnt new method. D as highhead. New method of playing other Snair, B and C. After i ssw my teacher play, i couldn't believe he is too pro. I think i haven't even learn 1% of what he is now. Haha. But try my learn everything from him until November.
This afternoon went to parade. Luckily, Mdm Bong came. So the orderly officer gave back to her. Hehe. I don't really know how to set up in a good way anyway. Gave the 2 discs to Sgt Bong's sis and Jenny's sis. Don't think want to put their names here. Haha. Taught finish my green badge award. As always, hard to control the boys. It is not very good only to punish, punish and punish. Not effective. They won't learn. Anyone have any ideas? Guess not. Have to wait for my bro to finish his choir. Play drum and piano. Nothing to do in activity room. Play drum with no stick so only play base and highhead. Then play piano to practice back the songs i used to practice. Forgot some already.
Written 6.41pm

Friday, September 11, 2009

天外飞仙 esp.9

Thursday, September 10, 2009


信仰難題有問必答 (三)

信仰難題有問必答 (四)

Similarity and differences between churches
信仰難題有問必答 (五)

信仰難題有問必答 (六)

信仰難題有問必答 (七)

信仰難題有問必答 (八)

信仰難題有問必答 (九)

10 September 2009

Yesterday night, luckily did not go late for the evening class. Just arrive in time. Go for the test. Just simply do. Don't know what teacher thinks. Connie did not come only. The rest of the students are all present. Don't know why teacher so angry yesterday night. Maybe we did not prepare well for the class. But should not be that angry as well ma.
This morning went for F9. Almost accidently enter into other people's class. One of my classmate accidentally enter into it. haha. Praise Lord i didn't enter. Teacher today strange again. Forgot to say good morning. We only knew it this morning that we need to go to the Gandhi, Martin Luther King's exhibition at 9.00am. When we went into the hall. Then we found out that we needed to wait for another half an hour. So we did homework inside there. Then Teresa asked if she can sit beside me because it was cold at her original place. I said can. Then i went to open the air-conditioner beside me. She said cold as well. So i wanted to close the air-cond but she said no need. Thus, i increase the temperature. During then, we had the opportunity to talk. Normally we don't talk because we don't know what to say anyway. Then they ask about 16 of us including me to go upstairs for exhibition. The person leading the exhibition appointed to lead us was terrible. She doesn't even know very well about the information in the exhibition.
Reached home. Found out that my mum bought a DVD but that DVD i already got. She must be tricked by thinking that it was a complete movie but what she doesn't know is that it is a 2 different movie which connects.
This evening went to play SDO and found out that my skills drop very much. Should try to improve it back. Luckily not late for class because teacher is always late. I even still have the time to register for the graduation ceremony. They try to eat money. Graduation need to pay RM200. Photos also need to pay RM95. RM295 in total for the whole ceremony. Haiz. Then i realized the date had been changed to Four Point hotel on 27th September in the morning. But that afternoon i have class as well. It will be very rush. Furthermore, the rehersal is made compulsary but my F5 class also falls on the same day. Ask them see how tomorrow.
Written 10.22pm

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Course Preview of UTAR October 2009 Intake

Subject: Course Preview –October 2009 Intake

Arising from the good response of recent course preview, we are glad to inform you that UTAR would be having another course preview for the following programmes commence in October 2009:

• Bachelor of Accounting (Hons) KP/JPS(KA9649)04/14
• Bachelor of Economics (Hons) Global Economics KP/JPS(KA9682)04/14
• Bachelor of International Business (Hons) KP/JPS(KA9683)04/14
• Master of Business Administration KP/JPS(A6338)07/12
• Master of Business Administration (Corporate Governance)KP/JPS(A6339)07/12
• Master of Commerce (Applied Accounting) KP/JPS(A6905)03/11
• Master of Computer Science KP/JPS(A6335)07/13
• Master of Information Systems KP/JPS(A6336)07/13
• Doctor of Philosophy (ICT) KP/JPS(KA8323)01/13
• Master of Philosophy KP/JPS(KA10031)05/14
• Doctor of Philosophy KP/JPS(KA10032)05/14

Details are as below:
Date Venue
12/9/2009 (Saturday) PB Block, Petaling Jaya Campus

Time: 10am - Undergraduate Programmes
10am - Postgraduate Programmes (ICT)
11am - Postgraduate Programmes (Business Management)

Please forward the attachment to anyone who may be interested in undertaking the aforementioned programmes. Thanking you in anticipations.

Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman
Petaling Jaya Campus: 13, Jalan 13/6, 46200 Petaling Jaya, Selangor.
Perak Campus: Jalan Universiti, Bandar Barat, 31900 Kampar, Perak.
T : 03-7958 2628 (PJ) / 05-466 2323 (Perak) / 016-2233 559
F : 03-7955 8170 (PJ) / 05-466 8906 (Perak)
UTAR campus maps:
Course Preview for Postgraduate and Undergraduate Programmes as follows:

Undergraduate Degree Programmes
-Bachelor of Accounting (Hons) KP/JPS(KA9649)04/14- 4 years
-Bachelor of Economics (Hons) Global Economics KP/JPS(KA9682)04/14- 3 years
-Bachelor of International Business (Hons) KP/JPS(KA9683)
04/14- 3 years

Postgraduate Programmes
Petaling Jaya Campus
-Master of Business Administration KP/JPS(A6338)07/12
-Master of Business Administration(Corporate Gorvenance) KP/JPS(A6339)07/12
-Master of Commerce(Applied Accountiong) KP/JPS(A6905)03/11

Sungai Long Campus
-Master of Philosophy KP/JPS(KA10031)05/14
-Doctor of Philosophy KP/JPS(KA10032)05/14

Date: 5 September 2009 (Sat)
Time: 10.00am-12.00pm (Undergraduate)
11.00am- 1.00pm (Postgraduate)
Venue: UTAR Sungai Long Campus
Add: Jalan Sungai Long, Bandar Sungai Long Cheras,
43000 Kajang, Selangor Darul Ehsan.
For more information, please contact 03-7958 2628 ext:8553 or log on to www.utar.edu.my

Jesus Through What He speaks to us? - Devotion 9/9/2009

Firstly, through his birth, through his death, through his totality, He speaks to us. Through whole reality of Jesus life, from his birth to his death. God through the existence of Jesus Christ birth, content speak to us. No one is like him to be given birth in this manner. Holy spirit causes Mary to concieved and He was borned. And this one to be borned, is called the Holy One of God. He is the son of God, is Jesus. He is the one who save his own people from sin. And through the birth and the death of Christ Jesus God speak to us.
Second, God through the conduct and the ministry of Christ Jesus God speak to us. That's why Jesus say : "if it wasn't God who send me, then i will not do all this things. What i speak and what i conduct, is according to what God desire me to do and i did." So the word that Jesus said is also the message God speak to mankind. And also his ministry, is also the virtue of God want to manifest through him to us. When you look at Jesus, you know what is the perfection of mankind. No one has ever been like Jesus. He was scolded but never scolded back. He was threatened but never threatened back. When he was nailed of the cross, he did not curse mankind but he said: "Father, forgive them. For they do not know what they did." Down in the history there was not a single person who would pray for the enemies. Confucious say for good to return good and also for righteousness to return the bad. If people are good to you, be good to them. If people are no good to you be just to them. Lao Zhi is more advanced. Not with justness but return good to bad. When people are no good to you, you need to be good to them. But there is no one like Jesus. You want to love your enemies. Those who prosecuted you, pray for them. When people nailed him on the cross, Jesus say: "Father, forgive them." This type of things, this kind of love, not even discussed in the Greek philosophy. There is a movie called troy. There is one called Paris love the queen of another nation. He captured this Helen from that nation. Because of his love, he destroyed his city. This Greek's Love, why love. Because i love you, i want to get you. This is what human know about love. But what bible says about love? Pray for your enemies, sacrifise yourself so that people could be helped. Jesus was killed, then people will then know what is love. Confucious never said, Mentious doesn't know, Lao Zhi never said. There is a love of God in mankind. God through the cross speak to human kind.
There is a vacuum of love when Jesus was nailed on the cross. You will ask doesn't Mary love Jesus. But there sin made Jesus die on the cross. When they cry, Jesus said: "Don't cry for me, but for your and your daughter's sin." Therefore, Jesus upen the cross said: "My God, My God, why have thy forgotten me?" Why God cover His eyes? That was the only moment where that is the only vacuum of love. Jesus have to lonely to walk through the shadow of death.

Dr. Stephen Tong

Stephen Tong, 唐崇荣 is an Indonesian Reformed evangelist, Theologian, and Christian philosopher. In his ministry spanning 50 years, he has preached to more than twenty million people since 1957. As an evangelist, Tong has preached in Asia, Europe, Australia, North and South America, and guest lectured at many theological seminaries in Asia. He is the founder and the President of the Stephen Tong Evangelistic Ministries International (STEMI) which has established offices in the US, Europe, Hong Kong, Jakarta, Kuala Lumpur, Singapore, and Taipei.
Stephen Tong obtained his Bachelor Degree in Theology (B.Th) from Southeast Asia Bible Seminary in Malang, Indonesia, where he later served as a faculty, teaching theology and philosophy for 25 years. In 1985, Stephen Tong was awarded an honorary doctorate in leadership in Christian evangelism from the La Madrid International Academy of Leadership in Manila, in the Philippines. Since then he is usually formally referred to as "Rev. Dr. Stephen Tong", despite the usual practices of a honorary degree. In May 2008, he received an honorary Doctor of Divinity degree from the Westminster Theological Seminary.
Stephen Tong developed a unique blend of theology, which he calls Evangelical Reformed, aiming to meet the challenge of Charismatism on one hand and Liberalism on the other hand. Evangelical Reformed seeks to invite churches to come back to the Bible, as it believes that the Bible alone is the word of God, and to encourage evangelism. Tong often laments that many of those who are fervent in holding to the biblical doctrines are not as fervent in introducing people to Christ, and vice versa.
Tong has composed numerous Mandarin hymns and chorus, popular among many Christians. Other than preaching and teaching, his activities revolve around conducting choirs and orchestras, and educating the church in the appreciation of sacred music. His other interests include arts and architectural design, having contributed to the design of many church buildings in Indonesia. He is also known to have interest in classical music especially in Baroque era, watches, and antiques.

Stephen Tong Singapore Gospel Rally 2008




信仰難題有問必答 (一)

信仰難題有問必答 (二)

Da vinci Code
Note: If your faith for God is not strong enough, please don't watch the few videos below.


9 September 2009

Yesterday after sending my bro to tuition, went to cyber. Have to give it a bet that i can arrive in time for class. If i don't go, i don't even know where to go and what to do during the one hour plus. So went cyber. New SDO season 2 summer vacation. Only one new song is nice. The rest not nice. So just play that song only lo. Luckily still in time for class.
F4 class as boring as usual as well. But ok la. Know a bit about law on partnership and company. Maybe useful for future but not for now. Hehe. Don't know why yesterday night so tired. If i don't think of other thing and only listen to teacher, i will surely fall asleep. Haiz. That's why did not really get what teacher is saying. Maybe yesterday wake up too early for F9 class.
This afternoon during my devotion, God touched me with his speech. I had a touch, wanting to post his words into my blog.
Written 12.57pm

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

8 September 2009

Yesterday i sms a good luck message to her. Accidentally use my 016 number to send the verse. Haiz. At night, she asked who am i. I said i send to wrong number. Then she asked the same question again. I don't reply her. I learnt from previous experience like YWL case. Never dare to this kind of thing to anyone again. If i don't want to tell anyone my identity then i just ignore them.
Yesterday night, teacher did not touch on the replacement class. Haiz. Anyway, Connie said she will not be going for the class this wednesday for some performance. Wanted to ask her what she is going to perform. But eventually, did not. Anyway, don't know why so talkative last night. Talk to Ah Bong so much in the class. Teacher also didn't stop us. What to do? College ma...But not good. Must concentrate next time. But is damn boring. The most boring class among the 4 papers. haiz. He should just fly through the theory and do more on practicals. So that, it doesn't get so boring.
This morning before waking up, don't know why i dreamnt of ancient Egypt. Like carnibals going to eat me if i fall down from the stairs. So strange. And also about taking pictures in BB as well. So strange. Maybe is because i don't catch picture that well. Maybe should try to find a photography school or use my own photography to freeze movements. haha.
Went to College early in the morning and teacher was late. First time teacher was late. haha. Anyway, she said she is going to replace the 15 minutes this thursday. How i hope she is not going to replace that time. Haiz.
During the journey back home, i say IMH. Finally found that music school.
Still thinking of wanting to put background songs or not. Because it will affect the youtube audio as well. Maybe don't need la.
Tonight law class again. Teacher is surely going to ask : "Did you do some reading?". And then all of us will be quiet. Haiz.
Written 12.14pm

Monday, September 7, 2009

讚美之泉 Stream of Praise + 天外飞仙 esp 8

7 September 2009

Yesterday use the whole day watching "the little fairy". Nothing to do anyway. Lazy to study on sunday. Nothing special happen between this period. Tonight go to F5 class. See if Connie comes or not. If she does, teacher will surely touch about the replacement class. See how teacher replace. Hehehe.
Written 10.09am

Sunday, September 6, 2009

天外飞仙 esp.3 and 4 + Love + 5 + 6 + 7

Esp 4 talks about love which in another definition. I leanrt love before in church in accordance to the 1 Corinthians. From Jesus, I learnt the Sacrificial Love. From "the prelude of lotus lantern" i learnt Love is Giving, Desire is take. In this movie, i learnt more about love. Love a person until you don't love her. Even you say you don't love her, but it won't change the love itself. For more information, watch the movie for yourself. Just watch from esp 1-4. You will understand more about love.

6 September 2009

Yesterday night when to the original place to have dinner as usual.
This morning when to Trinity Methodist Church to have morning service. Then unexpectedly, Revelant Huang Jia Yuan was the preacher for today. He is the pastor teaching the Old and New Testament in Chin Fu Methodist Church. He preached on the story of Jesus and His diciples on the ship when the storms come. He said that everyone has storms coming through in their lives. The only way to overcome the storms is to depend on Jesus. He gave a testimony on a brother in church who felt his legs and arms were very heavy. He went to see lots of doctors in the village but no one could find out what sickness he has. He then went to the city and into the General Hospital. The doctor said after scanning through his body. The doctors cannot find any sickness as well. But his wife said how can this be. So the doctor said only his head had not been scanned. But the only machine to scan for head in Sarawak had to queue for one month. So the wife said couldn't due to the seriousness of his sickness gave him the exceptions. The doctor gave him scanning and found out a tumour in the middle of the brain. The doctor said that there is no machine to help him do the operations in Sarawak so advise him to go overseas. After considerations, they went to Singapore. The doctor there advised him to have an operation but it was very dangerous because if anything goes wrong he will never move again. The night before the operations, pastors prayed with him in the hospital. Before his operations, the doctor said he had discussed with his professor which was a professional in brain, saying that it was too dangerous. The doctor advise him to delay the operation and see how his tumour goes.
Then Revelant Wong said the brother is him. After 15 years without operations, he is still standing here to preach. He said that it is the storm that came to his life. But with Jesus grace, without operations, today he is still standing in front of us.
His preach touched me.
After the service, we went to Saberkas to buy digital camera as i requested from my mum yesterday night. Bought about RM869.
On the journey back from Saberkas, the radio talks about sex education. A woman talks about it saying that sex education does not only involves physical but mentally as well. She also talked about the right of masturbation of the child and parents should not take away the right. But according to a book i read before, it states that masturbation is a selfish act. What ever it is, it will still depends on how you see it.
Written 12.05pm

Saturday, September 5, 2009

天外飞仙 esp.2

Pictures of Junior Leadership Training - Hands on Hands (Post 1)

5 September 2009

Yesterday afternoon as usual at 2.30pm, watch "the little fairy" in NTV 7. Yesterday night, went to law classes. As usual boring. But i forgot to bring one of my books. Haiz. Sorry Lord! didn't live for you good enough. Yesterday night hard to sleep. Stomach ache so suddenly after slept halfly. Don't know today will have the ability to go on.
During Drum class no feel on the music. Maybe is because of the soft music. But i feel that no feel and all some beats not correct. Even though i know how to hit. But cannot bring out the feel. Haiz...
This afternoon, went BB. When i went up to room 203, i saw the drum was there. Very happy. Druing fall in, Bryan's brother almost fainted. He went back during the Christian Education. I only stayed for Christian Education. Promised her to give her the pictures next week. Hope i can do it. I came back to home during Physical Training. HEHE...no need to do exercise...if not my leg will get worse.
Now i got the pictures from captain. I can post it in blog. haha...
Written 4.49pm

Friday, September 4, 2009

4 September 2009

At 2.30pm-3.30pm, "the little fairy" had been broadcast on NTV 7. It is a small part story of "the prelude of lotus lantern". Very nice. I had post a part of it on my blog.
Yesterday night, F5 class was boring like usual. But surprisingly, Connie did not come to class. Teacher touched on the replacement class that clashed with F6 class. But apart from me, she also took F6. So 2 person will clash classes. See how teacher choose when she comes.
Written 11.46am

Thursday, September 3, 2009



呂建中 - 千年淚 ( 天外飛仙 ) MV

天外飞仙 esp.1

3 September 2009

Yesterday night, went for F6 Taxation class. Only do Personal Tax Computation related to Employment Income. Suddenly, a girl did so fast even faster than me. Believable? Teacher asked her and i knew that she did it at home already. Hiaz...Teacher should not say that unbelievable she is faster than me. I don't know how to face her like that. Connie chase up already with her pace of study. Soon she might chase up fully and may be better than me at the end.
Today morning, teacher finally said good morning to all of the students not like on tuesday. Sensitivity Analysis maybe easy for now. But i could never thought of something like that. haiz...
Written 10.45am

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Christian English Songs 1

Worthy is the lamb

Above All

Hillsong - Still

Power of your love

Beautiful Saviour

Here I Am to Worship

Mighty To Save

At The Cross

As The Deer

We Are The Reason

God will make a way

You are my all in all

We worship and adore Thee

Come Thou fount come Thou king

讚美之泉 Stream of Praise 1

寶貴十架 Precious Cross

I pray 禱吿

世界的光(Chinese version of the song - Here I am to Worship)


Yesterday during my devotion period, i read a book written by a professor during a graduation ceremony speech. His speech was given to introduce and prove the existance of Christ to the graduating students. I remember one of his example which Revelant Wong from Trinity Methodist Church ever shared. I think he also got this example from this book or somehow from the same source. This book is named as "Is Jesus God?" written by John Maisel. I got this book during the speech given by Revelant Dr. Stephen Tong.
In the empire of Nicholas II, A young man was sent by his father to army for training for disipline. The young man had a bad habit of betting. Even when he was in the army, he still bet with his fellow friends in the army.
In the army, he was given the job of accouting. When he lose lots of money through betting, he took the money from the monetary bank and repay his debt. He won less but lose even more.
One night, when he counted how much did he lose, he found out that the amount is too big for him to pay off. He wrote in the book of accounts "My debt is too big, Who can repay?" He sat at his chair, with a gun in his arm, thinking and thinking. While he was still thinking of his own live and death, he slept.
That night, Nicholas II went for checking in the army camp. The king went inside the young man's room, saw the sleeping man, with a gun in his hand, with a opened book of account.
When the young man awaked, he saw on his book of account, writting : "My devt is too big, Who can repay?" Below, written : "All has been paid, Nicholas II".
This story tells us that, we owe God as much debt as the young man and is unable to repay. Jesus like Nicholas II help us to repay.
Yesterday night, i had a class of F4 Corporate and Business Law. In tort, a case of Donoghue v Stevenson was taught.
Facts: A purchased a bottle of ginger beer in a dark opaque bottle. A gave it to a friend (P) who poured it out into a glass and drank it. When the remainder was poured out of the bottle, there was a dead decomposed snail which floated out. As a result she became very sick and ill as she had consumed part of the ginger beer.
P could not sue the shop owner who sold the ginger beer as she did not purchase the ginger beer herself. There was no contract upon which to sue. Therefore she sued the manufacturer.
The court held that: Even though there was no contractual relationship, every manufacturer of goods owes a duty to provide his product in safe containers and is responsible if he breaches the duty.
Lord Atkins came out with a principle: "Every person owes a duty of care to their "neighbour". A neighbout is a person who is so closely and directly affected by my actions that i ought reasonably to have them in contemplation as being so affected.
According to my teacher, she fell sick of nervous shock and was proven by the doctor. But why Lord Arkins came out with the "neighbour" principle? Nothing to do with the case. My pastor shared this case with me in Trinity Methodist Church before. Love your neighbour like you love yourself. This is stated in the bible. Neighbour in the bible is means the same as what Lord Atkins principle. This shows that Lord Atkins was holding bible's principles as a principle of the case.
Bible principle can always apply to our daily lifes even when during work like Lord Atkins. There should be no reasons for us to say we are unable to apply what we learnt during the Sunday Service or what we learnt from the bible.
Written 10.01am

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Choosing ACCA

ACCA course is designed specially for those who wants to be a professional accoutants. ACCA provides easy entrance and fast completion of the course available.
Firstly, entering into ACCA will require an age of 21 as a mature entry. Second way will be obtaining an A-Level Qualification or equivalent and reaching an age of 18.
ACCA also provide Certified Accouting Technician (CAT) which helps students who do not reach the above qualification. You do not need any qualification but only reaching an age of 16. After finishing your CAT, you will be automatically transffered into the ACCA Qualification with an exemption of 3 papers from 14 papers of ACCA which is the Knowledge Modules of ACCA Qualification.
CAT has 10 papers in total where candidates is required to pass 9 papers in total. CAT provide a very strong foundation in accouting knowledge plus enabling students to have 3 papers exemption from ACCA Qualification. CAT is suitable for those with no or little accouting knowledge. CAT examination is conducted during every June and December each year. Normally, people take around 1 and a half year to finish off the 9 papers. Some people take 1 year to finish in accordance to their abilities. ACCA does not restrict the papers taken in CAT. Thus, if you a capable, you can take ALL 9 papers in a half year time. But until now, not much people can do that. It will be very tough covering all 9 papers in a half year time. So it is still advisable to use 1 year or 1 and a half year to finish CAT.
ACCA has 16 papers in total requiring candidates to pass 14 papers in total. There are 3 different routes:
Firstly, you enter ACCA through Mature Student Entry or A-Levels. By taking ACCA as a full time student, you will be advise to take 3 papers at half year interval. Thus, finishing ACCA Qualification in 2 and a half year with a BSc (Hons) Applied Accouting degree given by Oxford Brookes University by finishing 9 papers. If you are a part-time student, you are advise to take 2 papers per half year. Thus, finishing ACCA in 3 and a half years. However, you can choose to take 1 or even not taking any ACCA papers. But you will need to complete the whole syllabus in 10 years time from the date of registration with ACCA.
Secondly, you enter ACCA through CAT. You are eligible to be exempted from F1-F3 paper in ACCA. Thus, requiring you to finish 11 papers more to complete. If you are a full time student, you are advise to take 3 papers at half year interval. Thus, finishing ACCA Qualification in 2 years time with a BSc (Hons) Applied Accouting degree given by Oxford Brookes University by finishing 9 papers. If you are a part-time student, you are advise to take 2 papers per half year. Thus, finishing ACCA in 3 years time. However, ACCA only restrict you to take 4 papers per half year. Thus, you can choose to finish ACCA in 1 and a half year time.
Thirdly, you enter ACCA through other Accouting Qualification like Degree. Exemptions will be given by ACCA in case-by-case basis. Normally, F1-F3 will be exempted. Other papers will be determined by case-by-case basis.

For Full-time Students fast finishing route
CAT Student
1/2 year - T1-T5
1 year - T6-T10
1 1/2 year - F4-F7
2 year - F8 - P2
2 half year - P3-P7
Thus, finishing in 2 and a half year time.

ACCA Student
1/2 year - F1-F4
1 year - F5-F8
1 1/2 year - F9-P2
2 year - P3-P7
Thus, finishing in 2 years time.

Postgraduate Studies
After ACCA studies, graduates can find finish their Masters degree by top-up with universities all around the world. Some universities are choosen specifically by students of ACCA like Oxford Brookes University, Birgmingham University, University of East London and others.
UEL specifically design a Master Degree programme for ACCA students. By finishing ACCA, students will only require to 3-4 papers + a dissertation to obtain a MBA in Financial Services. This can be completed in a half year or in a summer.
There are also other degree offered by other UK Universities. Degrees like MSc Accouting & Finance are also popular among the ACCA graduates.
Thus completing ACCA will also enable students to finish their Master degree as well.

Any queries are welcomed from all.

ACCA+CAT+BSc (Hons) Applied Accouting

ACCA Qualification
Fundamentals Level (9 papers in total)
Part 1 Knowledge module
F1 Accountant in Business
F2 Management Accountant
F3 Financial Accounting
Part 2 Skills module
F4 Corporate and Business Law
F5 Performance Management
F6 Taxation
F7 Financial Reporting
F8 Audit and Assurance
F9 Financial Management
Professional Level (5 papers in total)
Part 3 Essentials module
P1 Professional Accountant
P2 Corporate Reporting
P3 Business Analysis
Options module (Select two (2) papers)
P4 Advanced Financial Management
P5 Advanced Performance Management
P6 Advanced Taxation
P7 Advanced Audit and Assurance

CAT Qualification
Introductory Level
Paper 1: Recording Financial Transactions (IAS)
Paper 2: Information for Management Control
Intermediate Level
Paper 3: Maintaining Financial Records (IAS)
Paper 4: Accounting for Costs
Advanced Level (Core papers – all compulsory)
Paper 5 Managing People and Systems
Paper 6 Drafting Financial Statements (IAS)
Paper 7 Planning, Control and Performance Management
Electives (Any two of the followings)
Paper 8: Implementing Audit Procedures (IAS)
Paper 9: Preparing Taxation Computations (M)
Paper 10: Managing Finances
BSc (Hons) in Applied Accounting
To be awarded the BSc (Hons) in Applied Accounting you must:
be registered with Oxford Brookes University ie opted-in to the BSc degree scheme before passing any of the three ACCA Fundamentals papers, F7, F8 and F9
pass the three ACCA Fundamentals papers F7, F8 and F9 and pass other papers as required to successfully complete all nine Fundamentals level papers
complete the ACCA Professional Ethics module
to submit your Research and Analysis Project
complete and pass the Oxford Brookes University Research and Analysis Project
The degree must be completed within 10 years of your initial registration onto ACCA’s professional qualification otherwise your eligibility will be withdrawn.
Providing you complete Paper F4, then this will be acceptable. Oxford Brookes University deems Paper F4 as proof of English proficiency therefore you should complete this exam and opt in with ACCA before passing Papers F7-F9.
Assessment of Research Report
The assessment of the RR, as follows, demonstrates the importance of the quality of the understanding of the accountancy/business models used in the RR and their application to the RAP project topic. Your 'graduate' skills will be assessed for a level of competence.
To achieve a pass in the RR you must gain one of the three Pass grades (A, B or C) for the 'Technical and Professional Skills' and demonstrate Competence in the 'Graduate Skills'. The overall grade you get for the RR is that which is awarded for the 'Technical and Professional Skills' component of the RR.
Determination of class of degree
The class of BSc degree will be based on both:
the ACCA average mark determined from the exam marks in the Fundamentals Skills papers (F4–F9)
the grade achieved for the Research and Analysis Project.
The ACCA average mark will be calculated by taking the numerical average of the marks achieved in the Fundamentals Skills papers (F4–F9) that you have sat and passed.
Where the calculated average mark is not a whole number, the calculated average will be rounded up or down accordingly. If you have been given an exemption from any of the three papers F4–F6, no mark is available and so will not be included in the calculation of the ACCA average mark.
The class of degree for each combination of ACCA average mark and Research and Analysis Project grade is shown below.