Worthy is the Lamb


Sunday, September 6, 2009

6 September 2009

Yesterday night when to the original place to have dinner as usual.
This morning when to Trinity Methodist Church to have morning service. Then unexpectedly, Revelant Huang Jia Yuan was the preacher for today. He is the pastor teaching the Old and New Testament in Chin Fu Methodist Church. He preached on the story of Jesus and His diciples on the ship when the storms come. He said that everyone has storms coming through in their lives. The only way to overcome the storms is to depend on Jesus. He gave a testimony on a brother in church who felt his legs and arms were very heavy. He went to see lots of doctors in the village but no one could find out what sickness he has. He then went to the city and into the General Hospital. The doctor said after scanning through his body. The doctors cannot find any sickness as well. But his wife said how can this be. So the doctor said only his head had not been scanned. But the only machine to scan for head in Sarawak had to queue for one month. So the wife said couldn't due to the seriousness of his sickness gave him the exceptions. The doctor gave him scanning and found out a tumour in the middle of the brain. The doctor said that there is no machine to help him do the operations in Sarawak so advise him to go overseas. After considerations, they went to Singapore. The doctor there advised him to have an operation but it was very dangerous because if anything goes wrong he will never move again. The night before the operations, pastors prayed with him in the hospital. Before his operations, the doctor said he had discussed with his professor which was a professional in brain, saying that it was too dangerous. The doctor advise him to delay the operation and see how his tumour goes.
Then Revelant Wong said the brother is him. After 15 years without operations, he is still standing here to preach. He said that it is the storm that came to his life. But with Jesus grace, without operations, today he is still standing in front of us.
His preach touched me.
After the service, we went to Saberkas to buy digital camera as i requested from my mum yesterday night. Bought about RM869.
On the journey back from Saberkas, the radio talks about sex education. A woman talks about it saying that sex education does not only involves physical but mentally as well. She also talked about the right of masturbation of the child and parents should not take away the right. But according to a book i read before, it states that masturbation is a selfish act. What ever it is, it will still depends on how you see it.
Written 12.05pm


jasmine said...

nice..very inspiring testimony!!