Worthy is the Lamb


Wednesday, September 2, 2009


Yesterday during my devotion period, i read a book written by a professor during a graduation ceremony speech. His speech was given to introduce and prove the existance of Christ to the graduating students. I remember one of his example which Revelant Wong from Trinity Methodist Church ever shared. I think he also got this example from this book or somehow from the same source. This book is named as "Is Jesus God?" written by John Maisel. I got this book during the speech given by Revelant Dr. Stephen Tong.
In the empire of Nicholas II, A young man was sent by his father to army for training for disipline. The young man had a bad habit of betting. Even when he was in the army, he still bet with his fellow friends in the army.
In the army, he was given the job of accouting. When he lose lots of money through betting, he took the money from the monetary bank and repay his debt. He won less but lose even more.
One night, when he counted how much did he lose, he found out that the amount is too big for him to pay off. He wrote in the book of accounts "My debt is too big, Who can repay?" He sat at his chair, with a gun in his arm, thinking and thinking. While he was still thinking of his own live and death, he slept.
That night, Nicholas II went for checking in the army camp. The king went inside the young man's room, saw the sleeping man, with a gun in his hand, with a opened book of account.
When the young man awaked, he saw on his book of account, writting : "My devt is too big, Who can repay?" Below, written : "All has been paid, Nicholas II".
This story tells us that, we owe God as much debt as the young man and is unable to repay. Jesus like Nicholas II help us to repay.
Yesterday night, i had a class of F4 Corporate and Business Law. In tort, a case of Donoghue v Stevenson was taught.
Facts: A purchased a bottle of ginger beer in a dark opaque bottle. A gave it to a friend (P) who poured it out into a glass and drank it. When the remainder was poured out of the bottle, there was a dead decomposed snail which floated out. As a result she became very sick and ill as she had consumed part of the ginger beer.
P could not sue the shop owner who sold the ginger beer as she did not purchase the ginger beer herself. There was no contract upon which to sue. Therefore she sued the manufacturer.
The court held that: Even though there was no contractual relationship, every manufacturer of goods owes a duty to provide his product in safe containers and is responsible if he breaches the duty.
Lord Atkins came out with a principle: "Every person owes a duty of care to their "neighbour". A neighbout is a person who is so closely and directly affected by my actions that i ought reasonably to have them in contemplation as being so affected.
According to my teacher, she fell sick of nervous shock and was proven by the doctor. But why Lord Arkins came out with the "neighbour" principle? Nothing to do with the case. My pastor shared this case with me in Trinity Methodist Church before. Love your neighbour like you love yourself. This is stated in the bible. Neighbour in the bible is means the same as what Lord Atkins principle. This shows that Lord Atkins was holding bible's principles as a principle of the case.
Bible principle can always apply to our daily lifes even when during work like Lord Atkins. There should be no reasons for us to say we are unable to apply what we learnt during the Sunday Service or what we learnt from the bible.
Written 10.01am