Worthy is the Lamb


Saturday, September 12, 2009

12 September 2009

Yesterday night, like always is F4 Law. As boring as always. But learn about how to form companies.
Today, in drum class, learnt new method. D as highhead. New method of playing other Snair, B and C. After i ssw my teacher play, i couldn't believe he is too pro. I think i haven't even learn 1% of what he is now. Haha. But try my learn everything from him until November.
This afternoon went to parade. Luckily, Mdm Bong came. So the orderly officer gave back to her. Hehe. I don't really know how to set up in a good way anyway. Gave the 2 discs to Sgt Bong's sis and Jenny's sis. Don't think want to put their names here. Haha. Taught finish my green badge award. As always, hard to control the boys. It is not very good only to punish, punish and punish. Not effective. They won't learn. Anyone have any ideas? Guess not. Have to wait for my bro to finish his choir. Play drum and piano. Nothing to do in activity room. Play drum with no stick so only play base and highhead. Then play piano to practice back the songs i used to practice. Forgot some already.
Written 6.41pm