Worthy is the Lamb


Thursday, September 10, 2009

10 September 2009

Yesterday night, luckily did not go late for the evening class. Just arrive in time. Go for the test. Just simply do. Don't know what teacher thinks. Connie did not come only. The rest of the students are all present. Don't know why teacher so angry yesterday night. Maybe we did not prepare well for the class. But should not be that angry as well ma.
This morning went for F9. Almost accidently enter into other people's class. One of my classmate accidentally enter into it. haha. Praise Lord i didn't enter. Teacher today strange again. Forgot to say good morning. We only knew it this morning that we need to go to the Gandhi, Martin Luther King's exhibition at 9.00am. When we went into the hall. Then we found out that we needed to wait for another half an hour. So we did homework inside there. Then Teresa asked if she can sit beside me because it was cold at her original place. I said can. Then i went to open the air-conditioner beside me. She said cold as well. So i wanted to close the air-cond but she said no need. Thus, i increase the temperature. During then, we had the opportunity to talk. Normally we don't talk because we don't know what to say anyway. Then they ask about 16 of us including me to go upstairs for exhibition. The person leading the exhibition appointed to lead us was terrible. She doesn't even know very well about the information in the exhibition.
Reached home. Found out that my mum bought a DVD but that DVD i already got. She must be tricked by thinking that it was a complete movie but what she doesn't know is that it is a 2 different movie which connects.
This evening went to play SDO and found out that my skills drop very much. Should try to improve it back. Luckily not late for class because teacher is always late. I even still have the time to register for the graduation ceremony. They try to eat money. Graduation need to pay RM200. Photos also need to pay RM95. RM295 in total for the whole ceremony. Haiz. Then i realized the date had been changed to Four Point hotel on 27th September in the morning. But that afternoon i have class as well. It will be very rush. Furthermore, the rehersal is made compulsary but my F5 class also falls on the same day. Ask them see how tomorrow.
Written 10.22pm