Worthy is the Lamb


Saturday, November 21, 2009


Today went to play drum at CMC at 9.00am. The first song i play is Worthy is the lamb. Techer say i got all the feel and beat correct and he said it was very good. Then i played the second time, i felt that it was not as good as the first one. Don't know why.
Afternoon went to BB. I gave Lim Jian and Kevin the white badge test. From the looks of it, i think only Lim Jian manage to pass. However, i haven't mark their papers yet. For drill session, punishing frog jump is more useful than other punishment. Their drill has improved since then. I think i will use frog jump as punishment next time.
Thus, today did not really learn much. Only learn a few passage of F4 law. Just remember some of the main points. Not effective.
Tonight went to dinner beside ELC. The billion and fish is terrible. My dad say won't be going there to have dinner again. I also feel like that.
Written 10.53pm