Worthy is the Lamb


Sunday, November 22, 2009


Today went to church in the morning. Mum went to market to buy things. In the meanwhile, the car was unable to start when we are about to depart from the market. So mum called "siao Jiu" for help as he was a mechanic a few years back. So help us to recharge the battery of the car. Then we bring the car to a mechanic and change the battery. Now the car is working fine. As 2 days ago, i felt strange as the car gave the wrong information to me. I thought i has a bit of oil left but in fact there is still half tank! Haiz.
This afternoon stay at home and watch movie on the internet while trying off all the games in viwawa. Some games i don't know how to play. Hope somebody can teach me. Then i got so caught up with Speedoku. And my brother as well.
Tonight went to Dr. Yan Jian Ping's talk at Chin Fu Methodist Church. He talks about how we use our tongue as a christian to help people and not to criticise people.
When we went back home, my cat smells like shit. Mum help it to bathe But still smells like shit. Hope it doesn't get cold.
Written 10.37pm