Worthy is the Lamb


Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Today woke up play 3 kingdom and facebook. Then mum watched movie and i was tempted to watch as well so i did not study today. Just did my devotion. Then Cyril asked to posponed the gathering until friday. My dad closed his shop early at about 8pm so when to eat Ba Kut Teh. Now i am watching the day after tomorrow.


Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Today morning woke up just started playing 3 kingdom again and wasted me valuable time until i cannot study as my brother came back at 1pm and took my laptop away. So i could only watch movie in the afternoon until night time. I'd also invited You Kee and Cyril for lunch tomorrow and the day after. That's all for today.


Monday, April 26, 2010


Today morning, watch movie the whole morning. Not a good habit. Should change tomorrow. Then study F8 for an hour or two only. Not good as well. Should study for 5 hours per day if i wanted to pass the exam. Then i went to visit my grandmother and pick my brother back from tuition. After that, just watch movie until now.


Sunday, April 25, 2010


Today i found out that the car wasn't here so i didn't go to TMC. But i will go next week. Watch movies the whole day until only watched finished 1 movie. Haiz. Tomorrow need to start study. Tonight went to the Chin Fu Methodist Church. Really not used to it. The songs, the way they pray. All so different. Not used to it at all. The preacher also just preach the things so hmm. Then Hulu Selangor P94 BN won. This proved that even though the next election is near, PR won't necessary win.


Saturday, April 24, 2010


Today i downloaded the pictures which Yee Mun posted. Today is like every boring day. Downloaded a lot of F8 clips from opentuition. Thought a lot about helping the church of God to preach gospel but i think i can't do it. With my position now, i don't think i can do it. So i think i will just put aside for a while. After the training that God had gave me in KL, i have a burning desire to spread the gospel but don't know how long this desire will take. May Lord help me.


Friday, April 23, 2010


Yesterday night, i was invited to have supper with Alvin and Neng Ping at Block G. I ate the last supper in KL.

Today, i went to the dobi shop and found out that it opened shop so early at 10am++. Never knew he open so early. But he didn't wash my clothes so no choice had to take the dirty clothes back to the LRT station where my dad was. Took LRT and Aerobus to LCCT.

When we checked in, we found out that the bag was over 33kg. Where we needed to pay extra RM45 for the extra 3kg. So expensive.

While on the plane, the pilot didn't fly that good. The aeroplane had a sudden fall where we as passengers flew up. Lots of people screamed but not a big deal. Then we landed at around 3.40pm. The church uncle brought me home with my dad.

I finally say my cat where it has grown so much. Luckily it hasn't forgotten me. Tonight i did the first meal prayer with my family. First time. A start of something new.

Lastly, i really starting to miss my fellow classmates from UTAR after seeing the pictures they tag in facebook. Human only knows how to appreciate when they loss them.


Thursday, April 22, 2010


Today woke up eat breakfast at bunga emas for the last time. Then i baru realise that today is thursday and the dobi shop is closed. So need to take my clothes tomorrow.

I went to school to attend my last class at UTAR which is Mr. Lim's class - Introductory Calculus Tutorial. Even though i copy copy and copy, is useless to me now. Hooi Kie sitting there don't care about me. She doesn't believe that i will quit my studies. She will believe it next friday. So didn't really talk so much with her. Then surprisingly, Vicky came. So he sat beside me attending the class.

It was 9am and only 3 of the AM students attended the class. Luckily, Hui Ling and Yee Mun then followed. At almost 10am, Sim Yee showed up. All of us AM students wore white. So took picture with Mr. Lim and found out that who was going to take picture for us. So only me and Vicky took the picture with Mr. Lim then the girls followed. Thus, no full picture of all.

Then we took picture with Dr. Roy and luckily her student helped us to take photo so we have the full picture. Then, strangely, Hui Ling wanted to them to take picture with me one by one. Don't know if she believes me so much or did she see what i post on my blog yesterday. However, i took picture with then 2 by 2.

So then we went to Taman Bunga Raya to photostate stuff. As Sim Yee was left behind so i slowed down purposely so that no one was left behind. Talked with Sim Yee and Vicky along the way to TBR. At the end i told Yee Mun (until now i still don't know is Yee Mun or Yee Man) that don't need to photostate for me. Then we spilt into two groups and i followed Sim Yee until her car and i walked off home.

Then Aaron came back followed by Neng Ping. Me, Neng Ping, Simon and his relative went to E-Fatt to have our last lunch together. After that i went to smile hotel to book the room. But before that, i went to AmBank ATM to get money but can't. Then i went to Maybank ATM to get money and finally can.

So i went to smile hotel and found out that the 4 person room was the only one left. So i just booked it. Then i went back vista wira to pack my things and bring my bags to the hotel for about 3 rounds but i caught taxis on my way to the hotel. But the first taxi driver cheated me further RM2. The rest were ok.

So i stayed in the hotel for the rest of the afternoon and waited for my dad to arrive at wangsa at about 7pm++. So i went LRT station picked him up and went to the hotel. Then we went to section 1 to eat something and then went Jusco but didn't buy anything because the queue was so long. Then went to the shop below smart hotel and buy yogurt to eat. Came back to the hotel and packed up my things plus watch NTV 7 news. I was wondering why the girls still don't post the pictures up.


Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Today is my last second day in UTAR. I woke up at 7am in the morning. Had dinner with Aaron Chuo and Chuo Neng Ping. Talk a lot about revelation. Then, i finally can understand why Reformed Theologists go against charismatic movements. The main reason is charismatic movements indirectly brings out a thought that revelation is still available today. However, it is not possible.

Luckily i caught the UTAR bus. I went to school just to wait for 11am so that i can go with my coursemates to play. When i reach there, no heart to study. Just waiting the time to pass. Only receive my test paper where i already know how much i get from the start. I did not copy anything from the whiteboard and i skipped class. So regret because i skipped class because after i skipped for a while the class ends. Then i called my mum and asked about the shop rental and stuff and didn't manage to answer Lim Sheng Yang's phone. Then i noticed that the class has ended and called Sheng Yang and chase them to the KTAR hostel's main gate.

Sheng Yang and i followed Lim Sim Yee's car to KTAR to do something. Then went to a shop at section 1 wangsa maju to eat something with Yee Mun, Hui Ling, Hooi Kee, Sheng Yang and Sim Yee. Then talk and eat about 1 and a half hours. Then i baru know Yee Man don't want to go watch movie with us. Talked about lots of staff from sarawak to politics to singers etc.

After that go to Leisure Hall to watch movie at Cheras. When we reached there, then Hui Ling said want to split and splitted. But i didn't want to split because so obvious my point of getting out with them is to be together with each and everyone of them But Sheng Yang said they go see clothes. So no choice then go drink coffee and eat AGAIN at Old Town White Coffee. Then i baru full. Then i told Sheng Yang that i am not going to continue. He is the first one that i tell.

Then we go watch movie at 3pm. We watched 做人 which is a nice movie. But some points of views are wrong. I ate popcorns which was so much until i was so full. I wanted to give all of them a treat but i didn't do it. So strange of doing it. Don't know will they think i am so stingy or what.

After the movie, we saw Beh Yee Chun. Then we went to have dinner 旺谷 which is a restoran inside the Leisure Hall. I didn't eat because i was so full. I gave them so many tips saying i am not going to continue my studies but i don't think they get it. So i think they will know it by then.

Then Sheng Yang and i decided to go back home but because we wanted to take taxi then he didn't want and continued to watch movie with them. So i went back on my own. Then i baru know that Maluri there traffic jam. I asked a wrong bus to stop and the bus driver asked me to back direction. So i went back but didn't see any bus station. Then suddenly Aaron called and i answer so angrily. Lord please forgive me. Then the Lord provide me with a good taxi driver and i asked him to send me to the nearest LRT station so he sent me to Sungai Besi LRT Station which is he last two from Sri Petaling. When i reached Masjid Jamek, Alvin Zhong Hong picked me up with Aaron and Neng Ping.

Then we reached home and Shi Rong, Alvin, Neng Ping and Aaron prayed for me and had a farewell party with me. Then they study until now. I taught a little bit about Contract Acts to Neng Ping and Aaron.

Written at 10.49pm

Not a religious post

Start again.I will start posting my diary again.