Worthy is the Lamb


Saturday, August 29, 2009

29 August 2009

At 29 August 2009, 8th Kuching Company has hold a Leadership Training Course with the Girl's Brigade of Chin Fu Methodist Church. During this day, i was the orderly officer. We have planned for this course since 4 weeks ago. Did not really put much effort into this course.
At 7.15am, i went out to Chin Fu Methodist Church. Due to the rush, i forgot to bring my time-table and attendance list of the course. When i reached there, i found out that the front gate of the church is close but the boys are able to go in. I park my car at the stone-parking. Then i return and see if i can open the gate. Who knows i can. So regret did not ask my boys to open the gate for me. I opened the gate and drove into the church.
I found out that the gate of the activity room is locked. I saw Sgt Chung Zheng How coming so early to the church and also Jr. Christopher. I was shocked to see that. As expected, Sgt Chung greet me. I went to Awang's hostel and knocked on the door. I knocked so much times until he finally opened. How am i going to do if he did not open? I set up the LCD projector at the activity room thinking that Captain is going to use the LCD projector. Who knows at the end he say he is not going to use it. Waste my effort. At least i try out my Laptop with the projector and found new abilities of the laptop.
Captain came and talk about Teamwork to the girls and boys. Unluckily only 4 boys and 5 girls came at first. Then, who knows Joshua came late. Making 5 boys and 5 girls. Now, 3 girls 2 boys in group 1 and 2 girls 3 boys in group 2. At tea break, i went to the education hall and open the windows having to know that the fans is unable to be opened. Thus, need to ask Mdm Voon. Who knows she also give wrong info until W/O Kuek broke the main switch. But still enable us to switch on have have games.
First game was girls tying boys' hair. Who knows the team of Yu Jiet wins. The pictures is in Captain's camera. The second game was like net ball with a cloth. But unexpectedly, group 1 lose. I was expecting group 1 to win but however, it is officers fault because never set the rules right. Sorry about that. Third game was stepping ballons. They play so badly but still the team of Yu Jiet wins. Actually it's not really fair. I forgot about why the niece of Mdm Bong chase me as well. Haiz.. really sorry because never know all the girls name. However, no choice because no time to play until that.
Then we let them to go bath. During that, i went to play the piano "Shi Zhi Jia shang de guang mang". Then i play "Tian Guo". While Captain and the boys play teamwork balls. Suddenly, Helen Wong which is a girl joining the course came in and i knew she is good at playing piano so i immediately stop playing. Then she plays her piano and i play the drumstick. Unexpectedly the drum is not there. So i can only hit the box as well as the table. No bass. Haiz.
During lunch, unexpectedly again, she again, help out with the clearing of the lunch. So shocked because i ordered the boys to do so. Haiz...the boys are hopeless. Anyway, we have lunch with Captain and all together with the other participants. Joshua wore slippers which is not supposed. However, due to that, he was unable to drill during the drill session. Captain suddenly walk to sit with me which was also unexpected. Haiz. Don't know what to say except for BB things as well.
I went to set up the things in the Room 307. Then i went here and there in order to make sure they can speed up so that Mdm Bong can hand over the class to me during 1.55pm. Who knows due to GB's Captain's unexpectedly delayed arrival, we delayed a few minutes.
The Boys and i went to Room 307 to do the Paying Compliments and before 2.30pm which is so rush to give the LCD Projector to Sgt Chien. Then the boys and i went to have our drill at the education hall. Unexpectedly the seniors also went at the middle of the course. How to train these Juniors. They don't even want to obey orders. Cannot teach anymore. Must discuss with other officers or go to 2nd BB Company to see how they manage their juniors. Punishments have no use. haiz. How to be a drill officer like that. Odie from chung hwa school no.6 also there.
We finish off everthing at 4pm and go to Room 203. Because of their delayed finishings of paying compliments. I was able to hear some of the rules of GB. I found out that actually we are the same. But due to my expressions of the Drill Manual paying Compliments and the purpose of the Drill Manual. I am unable to be sure whether we are the same or not.
At cleaning time, unexpectedly, Group 1 was asked to clean Room 307 where i expect Group 3 to clean because Group 3 are only afternoon boys. After that, i wanted to take a whole picture of participants but the girls went fall out with the senior girls. No choice but to take their picture when they fall out.
Heavy rain. I went to pick Michael at Maong Methodist Church. Wait for so long until he came out. zzz... Then go back home and find out that she is actually Jenny's sister and her name as well. Haiz.. So sorry if i say that i forget. Actually i remember you the most.

The End