Worthy is the Lamb


Monday, August 31, 2009

Boys' Brigade in Malaysia

The Boys' Brigade in Malaysia is part of the global Boys' Brigade movement.
In Malaysia, the movement is recognised by the Ministry of Youth and Sports and the Ministry of Education as an approved Extra Curricular Activity (ECA). It is also an affiliate of the Malaysian Youth Council (Majlis Belia Malaysia), an associate member of the Council of Churches of Malaysia (CCM), and an associate member of the of the National Evangelical Christian Fellowship (NECF).
1946 The Boys' Brigade in then Malaya started in the state of Penang with the founding of the 1st Penang Company by Mr. Robert Davis with Mr. Geh Hun Kheng, an educationalist, as the Company Captain. The Company was under the sponsorship of Madras Lane Chinese (English Speaking Section) Methodist Church.
1954 From Penang, the BB began to spread to other parts of Malaya beginning with the 1st Kuala Lumpur Company, which was formed under the sponsorship of Wesley Methodist Church, Kuala Lumpur. The movement then began spreading rapidly to other towns and small rural ares of Malaya to meet the needs of the Members.
1961 The movement spread its wings to East Malaysia with the formation of the 1st Kuching Company in Sarawak by Mr Charles Henry Ingka under the sponsorship of St Thomas' Anglican Church.
1966 The first National Review and Display was held in Kuala Lumpur. The event has subsequently been held 16 more times (as of 2006) and has been renamed the National Pesta and Convention.
The National Pesta and Convention (also commonly known as 'Pesta' ) began as the National Review and Display in 1966 is said to be one of the biggest events which is unique to the Boys' Brigade in Malaysia. Today, participation is open to all current members of the Boys' Brigade in Malaysia, as well as members of overseas Boys' Brigade companies.
Whilst games and other activities vary across each Pesta, it has been customary since 1966 for a national band competition to be held at every Pesta except during 1988, 1992 and 2001. A footdrill competition and a group singing competition was added to the tradition in later years. During the Pesta in Malacca, more element were considered for the Pesta overall title, which includes a State Council march past, size of contingent, banner design and other much more complicated processes in determining the overall champion. However, this system was not used in the following pesta, held in 2006 in Kuala Lumpur. The Kuala Lumpur Pesta 2006 more or less reverted to the traditional system of determining the overall champions, with an inclusion of one more event, which is the state sports. The Kuala Lumpur Pesta was won by 2 home companies, the 1st Kuala Lumpur and 3rd Kuala Lumpur. The State Sports competition was won by Penang State Council.
As at 2007, there are 101 BB companies in Malaysia. Each BB company in Malaysia is identified by a unique number and the geographical location, namely the town or city, or district or state where the sponsoring authority exist, to represent that company. In general, the smaller the number is, the earlier the company was founded. There are, however, instances of newer companies inheriting the nomenclature of previous companies, especially if the sponsoring authority of the new company was also the same for the defunct company. One example would be the 1st Petaling Jaya Company; established in 1983; which inherited the nomenclature of an older company; which existed from 1959 - 1979; by the same designation.

The girls with light blue uniforms are Girls' Brigade members. Activities are combined with Girls' Brigade in 1st Petaling Jaya Boys' Brigade.

Boys Brigade

The Boys' Brigade (BB) is the world's first uniformed youth organisation. The idea for this interdenominational Christian organisation was conceived by William Alexander Smith, to combine drill and fun activities with Christian values. Following its inception in Glasgow in 1883, the BB quickly spread across the United Kingdom and became a worldwide organisation by the early 1890s. As of 2003, there were 500,000 Boys' Brigade members in 60 countries.
The stated object of the Boys' Brigade is "The advancement of Christ's kingdom among Boys and the promotion of habits of Obedience, Reverence, Discipline, Self-respect and all that tends towards a true Christian manliness." Except for the addition of the word "obedience" in 1893, the object has remained unchanged from the beginning.
When designing the Brigade's motto and crest, William Smith referred directly to Hebrews 6:19 in the King James Version of the Bible, "Which hope we have as an anchor of the soul, both sure and stedfast...".
From this verse came the BB motto, "Sure and Stedfast", retaining the old spelling of the latter word. Today, some parts of the movement have adopted the modern spelling of "steadfast", whilst others continue to use the original spelling.
The crest was originally a plain anchor, bearing the BB motto with a capital 'B' on either side. Upon the merger between the Boys' Brigade and the Boys' Life Brigade in 1926, the red Greek cross was placed behind the anchor to form the current emblem. The cross originally formed part of emblem of the Boys' Life Brigade.
The first Boys' Brigade company was set up by Sir William Alexander Smith on 4 October, 1883, at Free Church Mission Hall, North Woodside Road, Glasgow, Scotland, to develop "Christian manliness" by the use of a semi-military discipline and order, gymnastics, summer camps, and religious services and classes.
Being the earliest of all youth organizations, a simple rosette was worn as an identifying uniform, shortly being replaced by the simple use of a belt, haversack, and pillbox cap (a popular military cap of the day) worn over the boys' everyday clothing. The pillbox cap was used into the 1960s, long after it had fallen out of use in the British Army, when it was replaced with a field cap.
The Boys' Life Brigade was one of many similar movements formed by the Boys' Brigade's influence, sometimes along denominational or religious lines, including the Church Lads' Brigade, the Jewish Lads' Brigade, or the Catholic Boys' Brigade. The merger also prompted the abandonment of dummy drill rifles that had been used in The Boys' Brigade, due to the Life Brigade's objection to use of weapons or their representations. For some time afterwards, the section covering members aged 8–12 years was known as Life Boys, before being restyled as the Junior section.
Drawing from his military experience, Sir William Smith introduced the concept of camping into the Brigade to allow boys and officers to remain in contact when other activities ceased for the summer break.
An older boy can gain promotion to become a Non-Commissioned Officer (NCO). There are six ranks available, each being awarded when a boy is of a certain age and reaches a high enough standard of leadership. The five ranks are:
Lance Corporal
Staff Sergeant
In addition, there is the ceremonial rank of Drum Major who leads the band.
NCOs often play an important role in the Boys' Brigade, helping the officers and other adult helpers with organising activities and awards classes, particular in the Anchors and Juniors sections. NCOs wear chevrons on their upper right arm, a red sash is worn by Colour Sergeants and a Drum Major wears a badge on his right upper armband.
Staff sergeants act within the company as officers and do not stand in the ranks; however Staff Sergeants are boys of the Brigade. As they have received no formal training as officers and are not required to undergo the standard police checks as they are still serving ‘boys’, they can still partake in company activities and computations and still earn awards and badges. The uniform of Staff Sergeants is also different from that of the normal boy or NCO.
Each section within the Boys' Brigade has awards that can be gained by fulfilling achievements.

BB Songs
Will Your Anchor Hold?

BB Vesper

My New Blog

This is my newest blog and that's all i can do. Any comments or anything can be added in the comment. I don't know how to put songs when you come in. All that i know is to get songs from third party site. But can't find any Christian Songs so i don't put it in here. Any comments or suggestions or teachings, please do reply.

31 August 2009

Yesterday, in Maong Church, I saw Kho Lee in church and know that she had return to UNIMAS. Most probably she is taking Pharmacy course.
This afternoon went to Satok to buy clothes and met a few visitors from Singapore. They asked where to eat good laksas. I told them that is below the fly over at 3rd mile where i also never ate there before. I just heard from You Kee about it. Then, went to the state muzeum and ate belacan behoon where it is very rear that it opened. Luckily, today is national day.
Tonight 7.00pm close shop. Don't know go where.
Want to share something extra. Until now still don't understand what God wants with me. But now i kept on doing what i should do. I am still wondering what to study while waiting for my A-Levels certificate. So, hope God give exact and clear call to me before i go anywhere and study anything.
Written 5.07pm.

Sunday, August 30, 2009


Yesterday, ending with a worry. Now it proves that my worry is right. Yesterday night, my brother told me things about her. After listening and discover more about her, i am even more worried in the case between her and the current youth chairman in Chin Fu Methodist Church. How can i say i forgot how she looks like. I remembered her the most. I can never forget somebody who play music with me. Music speaks to the person who plays and listens to it. How can i forget about a person who played music with me. NEVER! I said i can't remember because i still don't know she is Jenny's sister. I am really sorry.
This morning, my bro went to Maong Church for Kuching Youth Choir. I saw her but it doesn't seem like she saw me. Don't know is it because i hurt her so badly. Really sorry. I don't mean it. However, i can't do anything anymore. Hope she forgives me. A thousands sorry.
The Choir has improved a lot since the start. Now it has a lot of people. Today, the Pastor Cheng speaks of How to be special from the unspecial. Firstly, he said do a bit more in your work. He gives an example of a farmer coming into a car exhibition. A lady came to ask him if he wants to buy a car. But the farmer says he just wnt to cool down in the air-conditioned exhibition. But still the girl took him inside and served him a drink. She showed and explained the characteristics of the different models of the car even though the farmer says that he is not going to buy. After she explained, the farmer give her a piece of paper ordering 8 vans! Secondly, do a bit more for others. Thirdly, do a bit more in your life. Matthew 25;37-46.
Next week, i am going to get the CD from captain. Hope he can gives me and i post it online and give her my address. Hope she doesn't mind i post her picture as well. You are a pretty young lady. Should have confidence in youself. Anyway, no one is going to see it. This blog has never been exposed to any person. I have yet to give anyone my address. So maybe you will be the first one. So don't worry.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

29 August 2009

At 29 August 2009, 8th Kuching Company has hold a Leadership Training Course with the Girl's Brigade of Chin Fu Methodist Church. During this day, i was the orderly officer. We have planned for this course since 4 weeks ago. Did not really put much effort into this course.
At 7.15am, i went out to Chin Fu Methodist Church. Due to the rush, i forgot to bring my time-table and attendance list of the course. When i reached there, i found out that the front gate of the church is close but the boys are able to go in. I park my car at the stone-parking. Then i return and see if i can open the gate. Who knows i can. So regret did not ask my boys to open the gate for me. I opened the gate and drove into the church.
I found out that the gate of the activity room is locked. I saw Sgt Chung Zheng How coming so early to the church and also Jr. Christopher. I was shocked to see that. As expected, Sgt Chung greet me. I went to Awang's hostel and knocked on the door. I knocked so much times until he finally opened. How am i going to do if he did not open? I set up the LCD projector at the activity room thinking that Captain is going to use the LCD projector. Who knows at the end he say he is not going to use it. Waste my effort. At least i try out my Laptop with the projector and found new abilities of the laptop.
Captain came and talk about Teamwork to the girls and boys. Unluckily only 4 boys and 5 girls came at first. Then, who knows Joshua came late. Making 5 boys and 5 girls. Now, 3 girls 2 boys in group 1 and 2 girls 3 boys in group 2. At tea break, i went to the education hall and open the windows having to know that the fans is unable to be opened. Thus, need to ask Mdm Voon. Who knows she also give wrong info until W/O Kuek broke the main switch. But still enable us to switch on have have games.
First game was girls tying boys' hair. Who knows the team of Yu Jiet wins. The pictures is in Captain's camera. The second game was like net ball with a cloth. But unexpectedly, group 1 lose. I was expecting group 1 to win but however, it is officers fault because never set the rules right. Sorry about that. Third game was stepping ballons. They play so badly but still the team of Yu Jiet wins. Actually it's not really fair. I forgot about why the niece of Mdm Bong chase me as well. Haiz.. really sorry because never know all the girls name. However, no choice because no time to play until that.
Then we let them to go bath. During that, i went to play the piano "Shi Zhi Jia shang de guang mang". Then i play "Tian Guo". While Captain and the boys play teamwork balls. Suddenly, Helen Wong which is a girl joining the course came in and i knew she is good at playing piano so i immediately stop playing. Then she plays her piano and i play the drumstick. Unexpectedly the drum is not there. So i can only hit the box as well as the table. No bass. Haiz.
During lunch, unexpectedly again, she again, help out with the clearing of the lunch. So shocked because i ordered the boys to do so. Haiz...the boys are hopeless. Anyway, we have lunch with Captain and all together with the other participants. Joshua wore slippers which is not supposed. However, due to that, he was unable to drill during the drill session. Captain suddenly walk to sit with me which was also unexpected. Haiz. Don't know what to say except for BB things as well.
I went to set up the things in the Room 307. Then i went here and there in order to make sure they can speed up so that Mdm Bong can hand over the class to me during 1.55pm. Who knows due to GB's Captain's unexpectedly delayed arrival, we delayed a few minutes.
The Boys and i went to Room 307 to do the Paying Compliments and before 2.30pm which is so rush to give the LCD Projector to Sgt Chien. Then the boys and i went to have our drill at the education hall. Unexpectedly the seniors also went at the middle of the course. How to train these Juniors. They don't even want to obey orders. Cannot teach anymore. Must discuss with other officers or go to 2nd BB Company to see how they manage their juniors. Punishments have no use. haiz. How to be a drill officer like that. Odie from chung hwa school no.6 also there.
We finish off everthing at 4pm and go to Room 203. Because of their delayed finishings of paying compliments. I was able to hear some of the rules of GB. I found out that actually we are the same. But due to my expressions of the Drill Manual paying Compliments and the purpose of the Drill Manual. I am unable to be sure whether we are the same or not.
At cleaning time, unexpectedly, Group 1 was asked to clean Room 307 where i expect Group 3 to clean because Group 3 are only afternoon boys. After that, i wanted to take a whole picture of participants but the girls went fall out with the senior girls. No choice but to take their picture when they fall out.
Heavy rain. I went to pick Michael at Maong Methodist Church. Wait for so long until he came out. zzz... Then go back home and find out that she is actually Jenny's sister and her name as well. Haiz.. So sorry if i say that i forget. Actually i remember you the most.

The End